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Scribd Subscriptions: 6-Month
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Scribd Subscriptions: 6-Month

Scribd Subscriptions: 6-Month

1 Review
by Scribd

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Stay informed, explore new worlds, and become your best self with a library of content that fits right in your pocket. For less than the price of a paperback each month, Scribd lets you access an unlimited number of bestselling and award-winning books and audiobooks, plus articles from leading magazines, newspapers, even sheet music. Whether you're riding the subway or relaxing at home, Scribd lets you enjoy your content anytime and anywhere via web browser or mobile app.

Home to 750,000+ subscribers & the only subscription service with books and audiobooks from all of the global "BIG 5" publishers!

  • Access an unlimited number of books, audiobooks, magazines & more each month
  • Enjoy your content anytime & anywhere via web browser or mobile app
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*Scribd Paid Access End User License Agreement


  • Business Insider: "If you love to read and are looking for a more convenient and cost-effective way to do so, Scribd is definitely worth a look."


System Requirements

  • iOS 10 or later
  • Android 4.4 or later
  • Kindle Fire OS 4 (KitKat) or later
  • Note: Unfortunately, some ebook readers can't connect to Scribd on the web or run the Scribd app, such as the Nook Simple Touch, Kobo, and most versions of the Kindle besides the Kindle Fire. Generally speaking, you won't be able to use Scribd to its grand potential with these devices compared to the Kindle Fire, Nook HD, and the Kobo Arc line. For more information on device compatibility and simultaneous usage/downloads, click here.

Important Details

  • Length of access: 6 months
  • Available to new users only
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Updates included
  • Access options: desktop and mobile
  • Downloadable for offline viewing
  • Access books, audiobooks, magazines, sheet music, news articles & documents
  • Scribd does not accept prepaid cards as a valid payment method.
  • Note: Access an unlimited number of books and audiobooks; restrictions on some titles may apply.

About the Developer

Launched in March of 2007, Scribd now has 80 million monthly readers in over 100 countries with 40 million titles to choose from, making Scribd a site with 420 billion written words. The company was founded by Trip Adler and Jared Friedman. Trip was named one of Forbes '30 under 30', one of Inc’s ‘35 under 35,’ and one of TIME’s ‘Tech Pioneers.’

Along with its CEO's achievements, TIME named Scribd one of the '10 Start-Ups that Will Change your Life'. After which it became finalist for the San Francisco Business Times' 2010 Tech and Innovation Entrepreneur Awards, was announced as a 'Technology Pioneer' in 2011 by the World Economic Forum, and made the top ten most innovative companies list on Fast Company. It's also the longest running independent Y Combinator alum, followed by Dropbox and Reddit.

Scribd has employees from more than 20 countries around the world working hard to keep reading alive in the 21st century for more than 750,000 paying subscribers.


  • Unredeemed licenses can be returned for store credit within 30 days of purchase. Once your license is redeemed, all sales are final.
  • This item is excluded from coupons.
1 Review
5/ 5
All reviews are from verified purchasers collected after purchase.

Michael Muller

Verified Buyer

it is good to have a large selection to choose from when traveling or working out.

Nov 29, 2018
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